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Take it from Tio, when you need Plumbing, Heating or AC advice Crossroads Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning NY/NJ is the place to call! Tio is a Master Plumber with 20+ years of hands on experience. There's not much he hasn't seen on the job, and he is happy to share the knowledge he has accumulated over the years with you right here in our "Tio's Tips" section!

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  • (201) 384.3063 

  • (914) 365.8055


  • (201) 384.8163



NJMPL: #6925, Ralph L. Fiorelli

NJMPL: #12901, Ralph A. Fiorelli

Rockland County MPL: #762 Westchester County MPL: #1453

NJMHVACRL: #1758 / #3271


Northern New Jersey

Central New Jersey

Southern New Jersey

Rockland County New York

Westchester County New York

*some exclusions apply, call for details.

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Capacities Statement sent on request.

Crossroads Plumbing & Heating is ConEd (Consolidated Edison) CT87 Operation Qualification Certified. In the state of New York for any installation, alteration, repair, emergency, or leak you need CT87 Certification. This is a Federal certification that allows us to work on and/or inspect gas lines in the state of New York. CT87 Certification # 485381

© 2024-28 Crossroads Plumbing & Heating - (201) 384.3063. -  Based in Bergenfield, NJ

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